We have to publish a statement of accounts annually, for each financial year. 

The preparation and publication of the statement has to follow statutory requirements and timescales.

We have posted a:

Draft statement of accounts 

Following the end of our financial year on 31 March, we will publish a draft of the statement of accounts. For the financial year 2023-24, we are required to do so by 31 May. This deadline was extended to 30 June for the financial years 2024-25 to 2027-28.

External audit of the accounts 

An independent auditor will conduct an audit of the draft statement.

To allow a phased clearing of the outstanding audits backlog, the government set statutory backstop dates by which the audited accounts must be published. The dates are

  • 28 February 2025 for 2023-24
  • 27 February 2026 for 2024-25
  • 31 January 2027 for 2025-26
  • 30 November 2027 for 2026-27
  • 30 November 2028 for 2027-28

Public inspection of the accounts 

There will be a period of public inspection following publication of the draft statement of accounts when members of the public could apply to: 

  • inspect and make copies of the accounts and documents 
  • ask the auditor questions about the accounts

Publication of the final report

Once the auditor has concluded their audit, we will make the statement available for inspection. 

Since 2023-24, Ernst and Young are acting as Chelmsford City Council's external auditors.

Download the documents

You can download and view our annual reports and statements of accounts.

If you are unable to download these documents or want us to make copies for you, you can contact us.

Is there something wrong with this page?

You can report issues with the website using our website feedback form, which will go directly to the Web Team. This team will be unable to deal with your enquiry if it is not related to the website.