Depending on where you live in Chelmsford, you could have up to three different forms of local government. You will also have an MP that represents you on a national level.

We all work closely together to ensure that we can deliver the best services for Chelmsford.

You can find out who represents you by searching on your postcode on the Write to Them website.

You can also watch our video that helps explain what different types of council do.

Every four or five years, the UK elects MPs to form a government. Chelmsford residents are represented by one of three MPs, as our local authority area overlaps with three different parliamentary constituencies.

Those MPs are:

MPs split their time between working in Parliament, working in their constituency and for their political party (if they are part of one). Some MPs from the governing party also become ministers with specific responsibilities.

In Parliament, MPs consider and can propose new laws and sit on committees regarding particular issues. They can also raise issues that matter to you in the House. This includes asking government ministers questions about current concerns, including those which affect local constituents.

Across Chelmsford, MPs often hold a 'surgery' in their office, where local people can come along to discuss any matters that concern them. MPs also attend functions, visit schools and businesses and generally try to meet as many people as possible. You should be able to find out more details about what events your MP has planned on their websites.

In total, Essex County Council (ECC) has 75 Councillors that represent different areas of Essex, with nine of those areas covering Chelmsford.

ECC have elections every four years, to allow you to have a say in who represents you. You can find out more about your County Councillor and how to get in touch with them. 

After an election, the party with the most seats chooses the Leader of the Council. The Leader then appoints up to nine other councillors, who make up the Cabinet, and assigns important roles on committees.

Essex County Council Councillors represent you and make important decisions about things that affect you, including:

  • highways
  • education
  • children’s services
  • adult social care
  • libraries

Our council compromises of 57 Councillors to represent electoral areas called wards. We hold elections every four years to allow you to have a say in who represents you.

You can find out more about your ward Councillor and how to get in touch with them. 

As with Essex County Council, the winning party chooses a Leader. They also decide on numerous cabinet positions and agree who will sit on which committee.

Our councillors, as well as dealing with individual queries and concerns, make important decisions that affect you on subjects including:

  • Council Tax and benefits
  • housing
  • environmental health and waste collection
  • planning
  • parks and open spaces

Within Chelmsford there are 25 parish councils as well as:

  • one Town Council
  • one parish meeting
  • one community council
  • one village council

You can use myhome to find out if there is a parish that represents you. 

Elections for these councils take place alongside our Chelmsford City Council elections every four years. However, they are often uncontested, as there are not more potential candidates than seats. Parish councils normally have between six and 12 Councillors, depending on the size of the area they represent. 

Parish and other councils are made up of councillors who serve and represent the residents of that parish only. We allocate their funding, which comes from Council Tax paid by the residents of that parish.

They listen to and represent the views of their community as well as having responsibility for:

  • some allotments
  • community centres
  • issuing fines for littering and dog offences
  • some play areas

Most parishes are in rural areas, meaning that some urban areas of Chelmsford do not have a parish council. 

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