Overview and Scrutiny Committee
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The Overview and Scrutiny Committee's role is to act as a channel for public involvement in the activities of the council. It also covers other public bodies operating in Chelmsford, such as the Police and other partner organisations.
The Committee also:
- oversees the proper and efficient administration of the council
- reviews the effectiveness of the council's work and services
- monitors the performance of services and the council’s major projects
- supports and complements the activities of the Cabinet, whilst at the same time scrutinising them and offering constructive comment or advice where appropriate
- Councillor Julia Jeapes (Chair)
- Councillor Ashley Thompson
- Councillor Victoria Canning
- Councillor Dan Clark
- Councillor Hazel Clark
- Councillor Pete Davey
- Councillor Steve Davis
- Councillor Jude Deakin
- Councillor Sue Dobson
- Councillor Kieron Franks
- Councillor Linda Mascot
- Councillor Mike Steel
- Councillor Philip Wilson