We have six Cabinet Members and four Cabinet Deputies, who each have oversight of the following departments within the council.

This post is currently held by Councillor Stephen Robinson

The Leader:

  • works with the Chief Executive and other senior officers to oversee our strategic direction and respond to any external assessment regimes which we have to comply with
  • is the council's principal public spokesperson
  • works with key stakeholders in Chelmsford to promote our objectives and develop partnerships
  • with relevant Cabinet members, monitors major council projects to ensure that they are being developed and implemented in a timely and cost-effective manner
  • oversees the preparation and review of the Community Plan and corporate strategies of the council, working with the other Cabinet members
  • chairs Cabinet meetings
  • undertakes any Cabinet functions not delegated to other Cabinet members

The Leader is also responsible for the one area of council business.

Communications and engagement

This includes:

  • marketing
  • corporate communications
  • consultation
  • public relations
  • information services in connection with all our activities

The Cabinet Deputy for Economic Development and Special Projects and the Cabinet Deputy for Sustainable Transport report into the Leader.

This post is currently held by Councillor Lynne Foster

The Cabinet Member for a Fairer Chelmsford is responsible for three areas of council business.

Housing services 

This includes: 

  • policy and strategy for affordable and social-rented housing
  • meeting the housing needs of the statutorily homeless
  • working with partners to support and ultimately end rough sleeping on the streets
  • the provision of housing and connected advice to the local community, in particular to avoid homelessness
  • promoting partnerships with Registered Social Landlords, voluntary and community groups and other agencies to secure and effectively manage affordable housing in the city
  • managing residential and related property we retain, whether tenanted or leased to partner organisations
  • monitoring the Stock Transfer Agreement

Corporate property

This includes:

  • managing land and property (public buildings and commercial/industrial landholdings) we own
  • identifying strategic opportunities in relation to the acquisition, disposal and use of land and property

Building Services 

This includes:

  • municipal engineering
  • architectural design
  • facilities management
  • building maintenance 
  • residual highways matters 

This post is currently held by Councillor Natacha Dudley.

The Cabinet Member for an Active Chelmsford is responsible for three areas of council business. 

Leisure and heritage

This relates to the provision of sporting and leisure facilities, including at:

  • Riverside Leisure Centre
  • Chelmsford Sport and Athletics Centre
  • Dovedale Sports Centre
  • South Woodham Ferrers Leisure Centre
  • Hylands House

Voluntary and community sector support

This includes:

  • grant funding for local voluntary and community groups
  • community engagement and voluntary sector development

Public health and wellbeing

This includes:

  • the safety of the community and accident prevention, including emergency planning

The Cabinet Deputy for Cultural Services reports into the Cabinet Member for an Active Chelmsford.

The post is currently held by Councillor Chris Davidson.

The Cabinet Member for Finance is responsible for four areas of council business. 


The internal audit function (although the Head of Internal Audit has statutory duties to the Audit Committee).

Financial functions 

This includes: 

  • management of our finances (the Director of Financial Services is the designated officer under Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972)
  • the presentation of an annual budget to the Cabinet and Full Council and making recommendations on the budget process
  • the parameters for deciding the level of fees and charges
  • the Annual Report and Statement of Accounts 
  • the write-off of debts

Revenues and benefits 

This includes:

  • collection of Council Tax
  • administration of Housing Benefit
  • consultation with representatives of non-domestic ratepayers

Procurement, risk and insurance 

This includes the procurement of goods and services we require.

This post is currently held by Councillor Rose Moore.

The Cabinet Member for a Greener Chelmsford has a roving brief to embed climate action in every council department. They are also specifically responsible for two areas of council business.

Parks and green spaces 

This includes: 

  • parks strategy and development
  • open spaces, ground maintenance, horticulture and allotments
  • biodiversity
  • country ways services
  • all matters relating to the cemeteries and crematorium


This includes:

  • town and country planning, development management, planning enforcement, land charges and tree preservation orders
  • policy relating to the physical development of the city, such as the designation of conservation areas, the removal of permitted development rights, the making of compulsory purchase orders and the designation of clearance areas
  • preparing and implementing important documents, including the local plan, masterplans and supplementary planning guidance
  • emerging transportation policy
  • all building regulations and associated matters

This post is currently held by Councillor Donna Eley.

The Cabinet Member for a Safer Chelmsford is responsible for two areas of council business.

Community safety

 This includes:

  • the development and management of play facilities and oversight of issues affecting the young people of the city
  • the safety of the community and accident prevention, including emergency planning
  • the aims of the Community Safety Strategy, in partnership with others
  • environmental health

Waste management and recycling

This includes:

  • strategies on waste collection and recycling
  • overseeing the functions of waste collection and recycling and street cleansing
  • the operation of Chelmsford market

The Cabinet Deputy for Support Services reports into the Cabinet Member for a Safer Chelmsford.

This post is currently held by Councillor Jennie Lardge.

The Cabinet Deputy for Cultural Services reports into the Cabinet Member for an Active Chelmsford. They are responsible for:

  • the provision of entertainment and cultural activities and facilities, including theatres, galleries and special events
  • community and village halls
  • the development and management of arts, cultural and entertainment facilities and services and the award of grants in appropriate cases
  • Museum services

This post is currently held by Councillor Simon Goldman.

The Cabinet Deputy for Economic Development and Special Projects reports into the Leader and is responsible for:

  • managing our relationship with the Business Improvement District and broader city centre management
  • providing advice and skills initiatives to new and existing local businesses to encourage economic growth
  • promoting local economic development and tourism
  • listed buildings and heritage advice, public realm, community infrastructure levy projects and delivery

This post is currently held by Councillor Joanne Hawkins.

The Cabinet Deputy for Support Services reports into the Cabinet Member for a Safer Chelmsford and is responsible for two areas of council business.

Central services 

This includes:

  • Human Resources (our workforce and our duties as an employer)
  • Customer Services (the development of customer care objectives and the delivery of associated initiatives)
  • Legal and Democratic Services (our legal, business and democratic services functions, including the Mayoralty and supporting our committees)
  • Electoral Services (the registration of voters and the conduct of all elections)

Digital services 

This relates to the strategic development of information technology and its use to enhance the delivery of our services and strategies.

This post is currently held by Councillor Terry Sherlock.

The Cabinet Deputy for Sustainable Transport reports into the Leader and is responsible for:

  • overseeing the revised car park strategy
  • overseeing the sustainable transport policy in the revised local plan
  • representing the council on the South Essex Parking Partnership
  • improving the council’s connections with bus and train operators, to lobby for improved services
  • considering “walk to school” initiatives

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