We make every effort to ensure that information on this website is up to date and accurate. However, we can't give an absolute guarantee that every page will be correct all the time.

You cannot hold us or our staff responsible for any loss, damage or inconvenience you suffer if:

  • you rely on information on our website
  • we change information on our website
  • a third party website is not available

We provide links to external sites so you can access information provided by others. However, we are not responsible for the content of external websites and we give no guarantee or recommendation.

We do our best to make sure information provided to us by third parties is not defamatory or offensive.

You should note that we cannot control the content or be held responsible for pages maintained by external websites.


We do not normally link to private companies. We would only link to commercial organisations if:

  • we have a relationship with them (such as through sponsorship)
  • they provide an important local service to the community (for example, bus companies)

If you want to link to a page on this website, you are free to do so, and you do not need our permission. However, you should bear in mind that we could change, move or delete pages at any time.

What to do if you spot a mistake

You can fill in our contact form if you:

  • find any information on this site that you think is out of date or inaccurate
  • are concerned that we link to an external website that contains anything defamatory or offensive

Is there something wrong with this page?