Apply to remove a countryside hedgerow
If you want to remove a hedgerow, you need to apply for planning permission.
For information about hedgerows, you can look at GOV.UK.
You can make an application yourself, or employ a local planning agent or tree surgeon to help you.
How to apply
You need to submit the correct planning application form and supporting documents for the work you are planning to carry out.
If you submit the wrong form or any documents are missing, your application will not be valid. This will delay the application process, meaning it will take much longer for you to receive a decision.
When you submit an online application on the Planning Portal, you will be able to view guidance and find the correct application form.
What happens next
Once we receive your application, we will respond within 42 days, and will issue either:
- a hedgerow retention notice, meaning you must keep the hedgerow
- a written notice, giving you permission to remove the hedgerow as you proposed
If we do not respond with 42 days, you can remove the hedgerow as you proposed.
How to appeal
You can appeal a hedgerow notice decision if you disagree with it.
Before you appeal, you should contact us so that we can explain why we made that decision.
The Planning Inspectorate deals with all appeals, and you need to lodge your appeal with them.
You can find more information about appealing a hedgerow notice decision on GOV.UK.