Change the official address for a named property
If your official address includes a name, you need to contact us to request to change the name.
You must be the owner of the property to add a name or request a change.
If you are converting an existing building that doesn't already have an official address (such as a barn), you need to request a new address.
To request the change, you will need to include:
- your name
- the full postal address of your property
- the proposed new name
- a site plan showing the location of your property
Process for changing property name
Once we receive your request, we will consult Royal Mail as well as the parish council and local councillors. The consultation period will run for two weeks.
We will confirm if the new name is acceptable, or ask for an alternative name if it is not. We will only refuse a name if it is:
- offensive (or could be construed as such)
- already in use in the same postal area
Once we have approved the name, we will send you written confirmation of the change and update our records.
Notification service
When you change your property name, you need to notify all statutory authorities.
We can do that for you, for a charge of £40 per property.
We will notify:
- the emergency services
- utility companies
- the Land Registry
- Ordnance Survey
- our other departments