We are reviewing our adopted Local Plan, and so are consulting on the
Pre-Submission stage now. The consultation closes at 4pm on Tuesday 18 March 2025.
Community-led housing
Community-led housing is where local people and groups help to design and deliver new housing, without profiting from it. They can build housing to help the local community and often include features like gardens, allotments and shared cooking and eating spaces.
There are a range of different delivery models.
Community land trusts
These are groups which involve local people throughout the whole process. They can help to include the housing type and location.
They will often own and manage the housing a long-term basis to make sure they stay affordable.
These provide self-contained homes for residents, as well as shared and community spaces. They usually have a common house with shared facilities for cooking and dining, meeting and play areas, and guest rooms.
They will often manage themselves and come together to make decisions.
Co-operative housing
This is a mutual society which owns or leases housing and then rents them to their members, who also manage and control the housing.
The members therefore act as their own landlord.
Eastern Community Homes
Eastern Community Homes is an independent, not-for profit hub for community-led housing (CLH) in the East of England.
It aims to increase the supply of community-led housing, primarily affordable homes, to meet local needs in the area it covers. It supports community groups to fulfil their visions for community-led housing. This can include Community Land Trusts, cooperatives, co-housing schemes, self-help housing, group self-build, or almshouses.
Eastern Community Homes have worked with us to provide a detailed overview of community-led housing and guidance on how you can get involved. They also have details so you can get in touch with a CLH advisor.
You can view:
A CLH advisor can give you and your group bespoke support, and will work in close partnership with us. The advisor can give help with the initial idea or vision, right the way through to delivery. This service also connects groups to a network of technical advisors and housing associations.
Further information
There is more information available from other websites: