We are reviewing our adopted Local Plan, and so are consulting on the
Pre-Submission stage now. The consultation closes at 4pm on Tuesday 18 March 2025.
Broomfield Neighbourhood Plan
Parish-tier councils, or other organisations, can take the lead in creating neighbourhood development plans, community plans and orders for planning in their area. We will help to create the plans, and make decisions at key stages.
The Broomfield Neighbourhood Plan has been developed by Broomfield Parish Council.
It covers the whole of the parish, and includes planning policies on the environment, village character, development, and open space.
We held a referendum on the Broomfield Neighbourhood Plan on 27 February 2025. The result was that a majority of voters were in favour of using the neighbourhood plan for Broomfield to help decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area.
The plan was made (or adopted) on 3 March 2025.
You can:
- download the Bromfield Neighbourhood Plan
- read the Broomfield Adoption Statement
- visit the Broomfield Parish Council website
You can also view the documents at:
- Customer Service Centre, Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford, CM1 1JE (Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm)
- Broomfield Parish Council, 158 Main Road, Broomfield, Chelmsford
CM1 7AH (you should contact the Parish Council on 01245 441660 for opening times)
Referendum documents
We published the following documents as part of the referendum information:
We appointed Andrew Ashcroft as the Independent Examiner to examine the Broomfield Neighbourhood Plan.
We have published all correspondence relating to the Independent Examination on this page.
Submission documents
There are also some evidence documents which provide helpful background information, and which were used to inform the draft Neighbourhood Plan: