Local Plan: Pre-Submission Consultation

We are reviewing our adopted Local Plan, and so are consulting on the
Pre-Submission stage now. The consultation closes at 4pm on Tuesday 18 March 2025.

Troubleshooting issues with opening the maps

If you are having trouble using the maps, you need to make sure you read the instructions on this page carefully before contacting us.

There are three types of interactive maps:

  • fluvial (rivers)
  • coastal
  • surface water

You can check the Flood Risk Map Index to see which map relates to which part of Chelmsford.

How to open the maps

If you click on the links and open the maps in a browser, they may not work.

Instead, you need to right-click on the link and choose 'Save link as...', to download the map to your device. You can then open it from the saved location in Adobe Acrobat, which will give you the full functionality.

If you do not have it on your computer, you can download Adobe Acrobat Reader.

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