We are reviewing our adopted Local Plan, and so are consulting on the
Pre-Submission stage now. The consultation closes at 4pm on Tuesday 18 March 2025.
Involving communities and organisations
Statement of Community Involvement
We updated our Statement of Community Involvement (SCI), after we adopted our Local Plan.
In the Statement of Community Involvement, we set out our strategy for involving you in planning matters. It covers:
- the different types of consultation and engagement
- who we will consult
- how we will involve you in making planning policy and when considering planning applications
- consultation information on Neighbourhood Plans and Masterplans
You can read the Statement of Community Involvement. We have also published an Equality Analysis for the SCI.
Duty to Co-operate
We are committed to working with other councils and key organisations on planning issues that cross council boundaries.
The organisations we regularly work with include Essex County Council, National Highways, environmental organisations and education providers.
You can view our Duty to Co-operate Strategy and find out how this co-operation works on our Local Plan Review 2022 section.
Equality analysis for the Local Plan
We adopted our Local Plan on 27 May 2020. The Local Plan outlines the scale and location of future growth to 2036. It provides an up-to-date development plan in line with government requirements.
We have prepared an Equality Impact Assessment for this Local Plan. We carried out the first assessment when we began preparing the Local Plan in 2014, and reviewed it in 2017.
We reviewed it again for the adoption of the Local Plan in 2020. This was to make sure it reflected the most up to date information and that we took into account any potential impacts.
We considered that the Local Plan had no negative impacts and there was a low risk of negative impact on any affected group.
We will continue to monitor impacts, and if particular issues arise, we will take appropriate action.