Local Plan: Pre-Submission Consultation

We are reviewing our adopted Local Plan, and so are consulting on the
Pre-Submission stage now. The consultation closes at 4pm on Tuesday 18 March 2025.

You can use our specially designed Planning Policy consultation portal to comment online. This allows you to: 

  • read and save consultation documents
  • make your comments online
  • sign up for alerts to future consultations on the Local Plan

You can register at any time.

To register, you need to:

A registration screen will open where you can:

  • create a username
  • choose a password (this should be as secure as possible, and include a mix of numbers and letters)

You then need to read the terms and conditions, and check the 'Yes' button.

You should only register as an agent if you are representing someone else as a professional, such as a developer or a client.

When you have added your information, click OK. We will send you an email with a link, inviting you to activate your account. After clicking the link, click on your name (top right of screen) and My Details to complete your information.

It is important that you fill in your postal address, so that we have an alternative means of contacting you.

You can also indicate if you are registering as a formal representative on behalf of an organisation.

Finally, you can add optional settings for notifications and preferred method of contact.

All our consultation documents are listed on the Consultation Portal. You can read and save consultation documents without signing in.

If the consultation period is open, you can make comments which are sent directly to us. You will need to register or sign in to make comments. If the consultation is closed, you can still view the document and see what other people have said.

In all cases, we will keep your contact details private and confidential. However, for most consultations, your name and comments will be publicly viewable at the end of the consultation period.

The end of a consultation is a busy time for us. We will send acknowledgements and comment IDs as soon as we can.

When viewing the portal, you will see the list of recent consultation events. Events which are open for consultation show a green timeline and the word ‘open’. Those which are closed show a red timeline and the word ‘closed’.

The current events are as follows:

1. Preferred Options Consultation Document 2024

To view comments, you need to:

  • choose 1 Preferred Options Consultation Document 2024
  • select 'learn more' to open the event page
  • click on the ‘what people say’ tab

You can scroll through the document. Where there is an eye symbol and the words "VIEW COMMENTS", you can click to open the list of comments for that section.

Alternatively, you can use the document index to read comments on a section. Click on a main heading, or the arrow to the left of the heading, to reveal a list of chapter headings. Then click on the eye symbol to view the comments. To return to the index, click on the blue x symbol.

To search for a specific name or topic, you can search using Ctrl F, or the search function on your device, and then type in your search term.

2. Preferred Options Consultation Questionnaire 2024

3. Preferred Options Integrated Impact Assessment 2024

4. Broomfield Reg 16 Neighbourhood Plan Consultation

5. Danbury Reg 16 Neighbourhood Plan Consultation

For events 2, 3, 4 and 5, to view comments, you need to:

  • choose the event you would like to view comments for
  • select 'learn more' to open the event page
  • click on the ‘what people say’ tab to display a list of all the comments

You can sort the comments by alphabetic order, or by date.

If you know the Comment ID, you can type it into the search box to go directly to it. You only need to type the number. For example, if the Comment ID is DNP20, just type 20 into the search box.

To search for a specific name or topic, you can search using Ctrl F, or the search function on your device, and then type in your search term.

If you have already signed up but forgotten your login details, you need to:

  • go to the Consultation Portal
  • click on Sign in button
  • click the 'Forgot Password?' link to reset your password

If you are still experiencing problems, you can contact the Planning Policy Helpline on 01245 606330. You should not register again, as this will create a duplicate record.

Updating your information

When you register, you will choose a username and password. You can use this to update:

  • your contact information
  • your areas of interest and preferred methods of contact
  • whether or not you wish to be contacted for further research or consultation

You can change your registration information online at any time using the Consultation Portal.

Removing your details

If you no longer wish to be registered with the Consultation Portal, you can contact us. We will then no longer contact you about forthcoming consultations. We will keep responses to consultations and research that you have already made.

If you are experiencing problems, you can call our helpline on 01245 606330, or contact the Planning Policy team online.

Data protection

Chelmsford City Council is a Data Controller for the purposes of data protection legislation. We hold and process all personal information in accordance with this. You can find out more about our Privacy Policy.

Is there something wrong with this page?

You can report issues with the website using our website feedback form, which will go directly to the Web Team. This team will be unable to deal with your enquiry if it is not related to the website.