Major new housing sites in Chelmsford
We adopted the Local Plan on 27 May 2020.
So that we can meet identified development needs, the Spatial Strategy within the Local Plan sets out the scale and distribution of new development across Chelmsford up to 2036.
We have allocated land for new housing sites, which we call “strategic growth sites”.
The developers for each strategic growth site had to adopt a masterplan before they submitted a planning application. You can view all masterplans for the growth sites
The developer submitted an outline planning application for the site in August 2021, which includes:
- up to 880 new homes (all matters reserved except access)
- primary school with co-located early years and childcare nursery
- travelling showpersons site for five serviced plots
- sports facilities including a pavilion/community centre
- neighbourhood centre (including retail, community, healthcare, office and residential uses)
- landscaping and habitat creation
- public open space and play facilities
- roads and infrastructure
- a detailed scheme in the south east corner for Phase 1A for 177 houses, plus associated roads, parking and infrastructure (Landscaping reserved for Phase 1A)
The Planning Committee considered the application at their meeting on 3 December 2024. The Committee resolved to grant planning permission, subject to conditions and the completion of a Section 106 agreement.
The site forms one of the four Strategic Growth Sites, which make up the East Chelmsford allocation in the new Local Plan. A separate developer is bringing forward the other three sites (sites 3b, 3c and 3d).
You can view the application under reference 22/01955/FUL.
The developer for Hopkins Homes has also submitted (November 2022) a hybrid planning application for Site 3a Manor Farm for:
1. Full application for residential development of: 342 dwellings, including 126 affordable dwellings (Class C3); landscaping; local open space; highway infrastructure; pedestrian, and cycle routes; vehicular and cycle parking; drainage works; ground re-profiling: and works to provide services and utilities. Change of use of land from agriculture to provide a country park, with associated works including the laying out of a visitor car park and access road. Means of access to the site will be addressed by way of a five arm roundabout junction that provides access to Strategic Growth Sites 3a, 3c and 3d, which is the subject of a separate application for planning permission.
2. Outline application for a phased development comprising 18 self-build dwellings (Class C3) with all matters reserved, except access. Means of access to the site will be addressed by way of a five arm roundabout junction that provides access to Strategic Growth Sites 3a, 3c and 3d, which is the subject of a separate application for planning permission.
We are currently considering the Hopkins Homes application.
You can view the applications under 22/01732/FUL and 22/01732/OUT.
The sites form three of the four Strategic Growth Sites, which make up the East Chelmsford allocation in the new Local Plan. A separate site promoter is developing the fourth Strategic Growth Site 3a, Manor Farm.
Redrow Homes submitted a hybrid planning application (part full and part outline) in May 2022. This follows the withdrawal of a previous application in December 2021.
The development is for:
- residential development of 165 dwellings including affordable housing provision, public open space, landscaping, drainage, infrastructure and all associated ancillary development (full)
- up to 5,000sq.m of commercial floorspace, provision of day care nursery, 9 serviced self-build plots and safeguarded land for extension to Sandon Park and Ride (outline with all matters reserved except for means of access from Maldon Road and Molrams Lane)
We are currently considering the Redrow Homes application.
You can view the applications under 22/00916/FUL and 22/00916/OUT.
Latest update (June 2023)
The developers for Strategic Growth Site 3a (Hopkins Homes) and Strategic Growth Sites 3b-3d (Redrow Homes) submitted a joint planning application for a roundabout at the junction of Maldon Road and Sandford Mill Lane in October 2022. The purpose of the roundabout is to facilitate the delivery of Sites 3a, 3c and 3d.
You can view the application under reference 22/01955/FUL.
We have always agreed that we would determine the roundabout application first. Hopkins Homes and Redrow Homes are currently preparing further information and transport modelling to satisfy Essex Highway Authority and National Highways requirements. This has caused a delay in all three applications (Hopkins, Redrow and joint roundabout application).
On the planning applications for housing, both Hopkins Homes and Redrow Homes are working respectively with us on design and layout improvements and addressing matters raised by consultees.
The site forms one of the four Strategic Growth Sites, which make up the Great Leighs allocation in the Local Plan.
The developer has submitted a hybrid planning application for Site 7a for:
- Outline application with all matters reserved for residential development of up to 800 homes (Use Class C3) including affordable and self/custom-build homes; a Neighbourhood Centre comprising commercial, business and service (Use Class E) of which the anchor retail store is not more than 500 sqm (GIA); medical services (Use Class E(e)), a children's nursery (Use Class E(f)) and a residential care home (Use Class C2) of up to 80 beds; a new primary school (Use Class F1); landscaping works, provision of strategic and local open space; biodiversity enhancements, all associated highways infrastructure, pedestrian, cycle, PROW and bridleway routes; drainage infrastructure and all associated ancillary works including services and utilities.
- Full application for the principal means of vehicular access to the site, on site highways works, surface water attenuation basins and associated ancillary works including services and utilities.
You can view the application (reference 23/01583/FUL).
The Planning Committee considered the application at their meeting on 4 March 2025. The Committee resolved to grant planning permission, subject to conditions and the completion of a Section 106 agreement.
The developer (Bloor Homes) submitted planning applications for the site in December 2020 and April 2021.
Whilst a link road (application 21/00881/FUL) from the proposed residential development to Broomfield Hospital was originally proposed, the long term maintenance of the road could not be agreed with the landowner. Therefore the road cannot be delivered and was removed from the applications.
In lieu of the link road, the developer proposes a £1.35million financial contribution towards the mitigation of the impact of development traffic on the B1008.
This would primarily be spent on:
- the provision of Park and Ride shuttle services to Broomfield Hospital from the Chelmer Valley Park and Ride site
- alternative transport travel schemes in the vicinity of the Hospital, as identified in the emerging Broomfield Neighbourhood Plan.
Following amendments, the applications propose:
- residential development of up to 512 dwellings, local centre, open space and associated infrastructure (application 20/02064/OUT)
- works and closures to Woodhouse Lane (application 21/00881/FUL)
The Planning Committee considered the applications on 20 June 2023. The Committee resolved to grant planning permission subject to conditions, the completion of a Section 106 agreement.
Since the Planning Committee approved the applications, we have drafted the s.106 agreement and negotiated the finer details of clauses between us, Essex County Council and Bloor Homes. Since the June 2023 Committee resolution, minor amendments to the suggested conditions and heads of terms for the s.106 agreement have become necessary. At the January 2025 Planning Committee meeting, they resolved, again, to grant planning permission subject to conditions and the s.106 agreement.
Countryside application
Countryside Properties submitted a hybrid planning application (part full and part outline) for the site in October 2021. They later amended the description of the development in July 2022. The application is for the following:
1. Outline application with all matters reserved for residential development of:
- up to 1020 homes,
- up to 88 bedroom units of residential care accommodation (Class C2 or Class C3 use, including retirement living/sheltered housing, and/or extra care/housing-with-care/independent living and/or care home/nursing home use)
- up to 1,100 sq m (GEA) neighbourhood centre (Class E) including a multi-purpose community centre
- up to 1,200 (GEA) of business floorspace (Class E)
- a 2fe primary school and two 56 place early years facilities
- five serviced plots for travelling showpeople
- landscaping
- strategic and local open space and associated buildings and structures
- all associated highway infrastructure, pedestrian, cycle and bridleway routes (including partial extinguishment of Bridleway 25)
- vehicular and cycle parking
- drainage works
- ground reprofiling
- all associated ancillary works including services and utilities
2. Full application for:
- the principal means of vehicular access to the site
- the initial phase of on-site highway works
- strategic surface water attenuation basins
The Planning Committee heard the application on 7 February 2023. The Committee resolved to grant planning permission subject to conditions, the completion of a s.106 agreement and the lifting of a holding direction from the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State lifted their holding direction on 12 April 2023.
You can view the planning application for 21/01961/OUT from Countryside Properties.
Bellway Homes application
Bellway Homes submitted an outline planning application for the site in May 2022 for the following:
- outline application with all matters reserved (except for access) for up to 200 residential dwellings
- open space (including allotments, children's play facilities and sustainable drainage features)
- pedestrian, cycle and bridleway routes
- vehicle accesses
- internal roads
- associated infrastructure
The Planning Committee heard the application on 17 April 2023. The Committee resolved to grant planning permission subject to conditions and the completion of a s.106 agreement.
You can view the planning application for 22/00311/OUT from Bellway Homes.
We have received a planning application for vehicular access from the B1418 to the Bellway application site. You can view this application using the reference 24/01557/FUL.
Strategic Growth Site 1a: Chelmer Waterside
This growth site is a collection of six individual sites, which are to be planned as one new neighbourhood. We approved a Chelmer Waterside Development Framework Document in October 2021, which will guide the developments in the same way that a masterplan would.
You can view full details on the Chelmer Waterside development.
Strategic Growth Site 1f: Eastwood House
This site is currently a private surface car park serving the office complex known as Eastwood House in Glebe Road. We have granted full planning permission (November 2021) for:
- 197 apartments (all would be rented and would include 36 affordable units)
- new public open spaces
- on-site parking for residents
- new car club parking space
- widening of public footways along Glebe Road and Marconi Road
- new landscaping include street trees
Eastwood House office complex would remain with reconfigured parking
You can view planning application reference 19/01618/FUL.
Strategic Growth Site 1u: Rivermead
Situated next to the Anglia Ruskin University Chelmsford Campus, the site known as Rivermead is a former industrial area. We have granted full planning permission (September 2019) for:
- 315 student housing units
- 1450 sqm. retained leisure facility, including retention of existing snooker, pool, bowling, and dining functions
- 10,051 sqm. new office and university-related functions
- new foot/cycle bridges and routes through the area with new connections to wider network
- new public art
The construction of the new student accommodation has already begun and is nearing completion. The new employment-related development is yet to start.
You can view planning application reference 18/01326/FUL.
Strategic Growth Site 1w: Meadows Shopping Centre
The developer Dominus has submitted a planning application to redevelop the Meadows Shopping Centre and some of the surrounding land and buildings. This includes the redevelopment of buildings fronting onto the High Street and Springfield Road.
You can read more details about the Meadows Shopping Centre redevelopment.