To check if you need to pay the CIL charge, you should submit a CIL Additional Requirements Form when you submit your planning application.

Developments will be liable for CIL if they:

  • add 100 square metres or more of new floorspace (including new and replacement buildings and extensions to buildings)   
  • are residential properties that are either a new build or converted, regardless of their size (not including converting a single house into two or more separate houses)
  • are the conversion or change of use of a building that has not been used for a period of time 
  • are commenced under general consent (including permitted development rights granted under the General Permitted Development Order 2015 (as amended))

If you have a residential extension which is over 100m2 of proposed gross internal floorspace, you will be CIL liable, but you can claim an exemption if:

  • you have an ownership interest
  • you occupy the house as your main residence 

We are able to grant relief or exemptions from CIL. You can check if you are eligible for relief or an exemption from CIL on the Planning Portal.

In 2014, we set our Charging Schedule for different types of development. Each year since then, we have increased the charge using an index of inflation.

The charges for 2025 are:

  • £205.36 per square metre for Residential C3
  • £246.43 per square metre for Retail A1
  • £142.93 per square metre for Retail other

If you get planning permission, we will issue you with a Liability Notice. This will confirm how much you will need to pay, including information about our Instalments Policy

If you don't agree with the amount you need to pay, you can ask us to recalculate the charge. You need to contact us within 28 days of receiving your Liability Notice for us to recalculate it.

If you still don't agree with the charge, you can appeal within 60 days of receiving your Liability Notice. You can look at GOV.UK to find out how to appeal to the Valuation Office Agency.

If you do not pay your CIL charge, we can:

  • remove the option for you to pay in instalments
  • take enforcement action, including issuing a Stop Notice 

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