Report online

We investigate dangerous buildings and structures, which could be dangerous due to:

  • settlement
  • storm damage
  • old age
  • fire or explosion
  • vehicle impact
  • design defects

Urgent reports

If the damage has occurred suddenly and presents an immediate danger, you can call us on 01245 606431 during office hours. 

Non-urgent reports

If the building does not appear to present an immediate danger, you can report it to us online (via the DataSpace Live portal). You will need to register first if you do not have an account. 

If you need technical support with DataSpace Live, you can call 01242 260505. (You should not call this line for advice about dangerous structures or to discuss a current case.)

Information we need

When you report a dangerous building or structure, you will need to tell us:

  • the location of the building or structure
  • why the building or structure is dangerous
  • your name and contact details
  • the name and contact details of the building or structure owner, if you know who it is

Next steps

We can deal with a dangerous building or structure by:

  • asking the owner to carry out remedial works
  • carrying out enforcement action
  • employing a contractor to make the building safer, in an emergency

Is there something wrong with this page?

You can report issues with the website using our website feedback form, which will go directly to the Web Team. This team will be unable to deal with your enquiry if it is not related to the website.