VE Day application deadline
If you want to submit an application for a street party road closure in relation to VE Day celebrations, the submission deadline is Friday 28 March 2025.
Closing a road for a special event
Before you apply for a temporary road closure, you will need to ensure you have:
- details of the date and time of the special event
- a schedule of the day
- a site plan, clearly showing the extent of the closure and proposed diversion if required
- a Traffic Management plan and details
- a copy of the Event Risk Assessment
- a copy of your Public Liability Insurance to the amount of £5,000,000
- a copy of the letter sent to residents and businesses affected by the event
- evidence of consultation with:
- Essex County Fire and Rescue Service (
- East of England Ambulance Service (
- Essex Police Traffic Management (
Once we receive your application, we will:
- acknowledge it within ten days
- process the application and request approval from Essex Highways
- let you know our decision within 28 days
If we reject your temporary road closure application, you will not be able to close the road.
You must submit your applications at least 10 weeks before your the event.
If you have any pre-application queries, you can email