To make Chelmsford city centre more accessible, you can borrow scooters and wheelchairs from our Shopmobility kiosk in Market Road.

Shopmobility is a free service, which we operate from the rear of the public toilets in Market Road. There are five parking spaces for Blue Badge holders and one for Changing Places users, which you can access from Threadneedle Street.

How to register

Before you can borrow a scooter or wheelchair, you need to register with us.

To register for shop mobility, you will need:

  • to be over 16
  • to have a mobility problem, either permanently or temporarily 
  • your name and contact details
  • your postal address including the postcode

Once we receive your registration, we will post your permit to you within ten days of receiving it.

How to use Shopmobility

You need to bring your permit with you each time you want to use Shopmobility.

On your first visit, we will show you how to use the equipment.

You can use the equipment for up to three hours during our opening hours. 

Opening times

The office phone lines are open from Tuesday to Saturday from 8am to 4pm.

Monday to Saturday

  • Opening times: 8:15am to 4:30pm
  • You must return all equipment by 4:30pm 

Sundays and bank holidays

  • Opening times: 10:15am to 3:30pm
  • You must return all equipment by 3:30pm 

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