Photos of various museum objects. Behind the objects is an out of focus picture of people sitting around round tables.

Join us every 2nd Monday of the month from 10:30am to 12pm in the Wells Suite on the 1st floor of Chelmsford Museum (accessed via the main Museum entrance).

Drop in to explore our Museum objects with our curators and volunteers, share your stories with us and enjoy a cup of tea.

This session is designed for those who are living with dementia to attend with their families, friends and loved ones. Due to the capacity of the space, we do not recommend coming if you are part of a group or care home. The Museum is fully accessible if you’d like to organise an independent visit. We recommend you contact us before you come, so we can advise you if the museum is busy. Find out more here:

Other organisations may be in attendance that can help provide support and information.

Email for more information.

Upcoming Dates:

  • 10 March
  • 14 April
  • 12 May
  • 9 June
  • 14 July
  • 11 August
  • 8 September
  • 13 October
  • 10 November
  • 8 December