Year of the Artist
Year of the Artist
West End
Michael Pinsky
Artist’s residency in the Chelmsford town planning office working alongside planning, engineering and arts staff. The successful artist was asked to interpret the process of urban change in the West End.
Pinsky Projections installed public panels around the area depicting a vision for the future. Pinsky devised seven response-provoking images and had uncannily reinterpreted the work, methods and the issues of the council working in the West End at the time. A book was published to document the project.
The image shown on this page is Torus, straddling the viaduct set a visionary challenge for the two major redevelopment sites on either side of the viaduct. We now have the bus station and Chelmsford Central, both developments having their own public art integrated into their built environments.
The residency project was supported by Art Council England: East.
Residency 2001