Waiting list closed

Unfortunately all our ice skating lessons are currently oversubscribed, and we are not taking any new bookings for these at present. We hope to re-open our waiting list in February 2025. 

Children and adults on ice

We are proud to offer you the very best in skate lessons, following the British Ice skating Learn to Skate Framework.

Punctuality and getting ready

You will need your Our Chelmsford Card to access the ice rink. If you do not already have one, you can collect this from reception before your first lesson.

For lessons to run smoothly, please arrive 15 minutes before the start of the lesson to boot up. Skate hire will be available if you do not have your own skates.

Please wear comfortable clothing (socks, joggers or leggings and a long sleeved top or jumper). Gloves are recommended, but hats, scarfs, and any loose clothing are not allowed on the ice.

Once you have your skates on, the course coordinator will direct you to designated area of the ice. Grade 1 is situated at the balcony end of the rink, working up the ice as you progress through the grades. If you are here for your first lesson, please bring this to the attention of the coach who can make provisions to assist you.


Lockers are available to use in the rink, they are 50p which is non- returnable.

Continual progression and moving up to the next level

We continually assess each Student. Please note that we require the student to complete all outcomes of the level they are in.

What you can do to help

Ensure your child attends every lesson. Frequency is the key to learning and regression can happen quickly if not given time to practice.

We recommend that you come skating on a regular basis, to practise what is being learnt in lessons.

Badges and certificates

Badges and certificates are available at reception to purchase once you have completed a grade. Badges cost £3.10 and certificate are £2.10. You will receive email confirmation you have passed, and you will need to show this at reception.

Terms and conditions

You can also check the Skate School terms and conditions.

Report a website issue

You can report issues with the website using this form, which will go directly to the Web Team. This team will be unable to deal with your enquiry if it is not related to the website.

(Please give the URL of the page, such as https://www.chelmsford.gov.uk/council-tax/bands-and-amounts/)


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