Young boy holding badminton racket in front of courts with other people playing

Our coaches will take beginners through an introduction to the basics of badminton, progressing to more advanced skills and games techniques. For ages 7 to 14.

Lessons run every Sunday for one hour during term time and cost £6.20 per session.

Lesson times vary by ability:

  • 2pm to 3pm or 3pm to 4pm: Juniors (ages 8 to 16 years)
  • 4pm to 5pm or 5pm to 6pm: Adult (ages 17 plus)

To book, please call the centre directly on 01245 605685.

  • Please make sure children bring a drink to their lesson.
  • Please ensure your child wears appropriate clothing. Ensure long hair is tied back and children do not wear any jewellery. 
  • We recommend that your child brings their own racket where possible. 
  • If your child needs any additional support, please just let us know.

What to bring

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