Laughing boy in soft play ball pit

A great play opportunity for children aged up to four. Tots can have lots of fun bouncing around on our bouncy castle and new inflatable designed for little walkers at Dovedale Sports Centre.

They can play in the ball pit, bounce on the castle and crawl through the tunnel, all in a safe and fun environment. Mini games and disco also included. 

Children must be accompanied by parents or guardians during this session, making a great chance for parents to catch up too! 

Day(s) running

  • Wednesday 14 August


  • 10am to 11am
  • 11.30am to 12.30pm


  • £6 per child (full price)

Sibling discount

  • We offer a 15% sibling discount when you book two siblings onto our course at the same time. Please call the centre direct on 01245 605685 to book. 


  • Parents and guardians will need to stay for this session.
  • Children will need to wear sensible clothing and footwear, including socks and bring a plastic or metal water bottle.
  • Please ensure you read our pre-course information before booking and attending the course.

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