If you are concerned about someone who you think is rough sleeping, you can send an alert to StreetLink.
If you own an empty property
We want to improve access to decent, affordable housing by bringing empty homes back into use.
Long-term empty homes can cause problems for surrounding communities. With an increase in housing need, it represents a wasted resource.
If you are an owner of an empty property, we want to help and support you to bring it back into use.
You can contact us to get help and advice about what you can do with your empty property.
You can read our Empty Homes Strategy.
Interest free loan
We offer interest free loans to bring empty homes back into use.
The PLACE Empty Homes Loan Scheme is currently the only loan we have available to assist the owners of empty properties.
VAT reductions
If you own an empty property and are planning to carry out renovation works to the property, you may be eligible to receive a reduced VAT rate. You can contact us to find out if you are eligible.
We can then provide you with a letter confirming your property is registered as a long term empty property and is eligible for a VAT reduction. The VAT reduction applies to labour and materials associated with repairs and alterations. The property must have been empty for at least two years to qualify.
If you can't bring a property back into use
If you can't bring a property back into use, we may use a number of legal powers to try and get the property renovated and re-occupied.
These powers include:
- compulsory purchase orders
- enforced sale
- empty dwelling management orders
We will only take enforcement action where it is necessary.
We also have powers to intervene if an empty property:
- is damaging neighbouring properties
- is causing a public health hazard
- is not secure