Air quality
We are responsible for monitoring and managing air quality in Chelmsford. We regularly test the levels of pollution in the air, and produce reports of our findings.
You can view air quality data and pollution forecasts for Chelmsford on the Love Your Chelmsford air quality dashboard.
The Air Quality Strategy sets out our approach to monitoring and managing air quality. The strategy also contains policies and actions which will reduce air pollution and improve air quality.
We are responsible for monitoring and managing air quality in Chelmsford. Monitoring is undertaken in accordance with the our Air Quality Monitoring Plan.
We regularly test the levels of pollution in the air, and produce Annual Status Reports of our findings. We submit these to Defra for their approval. You can find our Annual Status Reports on the Chelmsford section of the Essex Air website.
In March 2024, we revoked the Army and Navy and Danbury Air Quality Management Areas (AQMA).
If you suffer from a lung or heart condition, you could benefit from airTEXT alerts.
The airTEXT service provides information about air quality, including a pollution map with three-day forecasts about:
- overall air quality
- pollen count
- UV levels
- air temperature
You can choose to receive text message, email and voicemail alerts to help make minor adjustments when planning your day.
You can view three day forecasts on the Love Your Chelmsford air quality dashboard.
There are no smoke control areas in the Chelmsford area. There are also no laws or restrictions against having a bonfire in your own garden, although we encourage you to be considerate to your neighbours.
However, we do investigate complaints about smoke from a domestic chimney or bonfire if we consider it to be a statutory nuisance.
If smoke is causing a problem, you can report it to us.
You can find more information about domestic burning on the Love Your Chelmsford website.