Request a case review
You can ask us to review an anti-social behaviour (ASB) or hate crime case, if you have already reported it to either:
- us
- the police
- your housing provider
We will review your case if you:
- reported at least three anti-social behaviour incidents or at least one hate crime to either us, the police or your housing provider in the last six months
- reported the incident within one month of it happening
- request a case review within six months of when you reported the incidents
The case review only ensures there is a review where incidents have been reported and no action has been taken.
You should not use it as a complaints procedure.
To request a case review, you will need:
- your name, address and contact details
- who you reported the incidents to
- the dates when you reported the incidents
- any incident or reference numbers you were given when you reported the incidents
- information about the incidents you reported
You can request a review online, over the phone, or in writing to the Community Safety Team.
Once we have received your request, we will:
- acknowledge your request within three days
- contact you to start our investigation, and decide if your case qualifies for a review
If your case does not qualify, we will contact you to tell you why.
If your case does qualify, we will meet with the agencies involved and any other relevant bodies. This could be us, the police, or your social housing providers and / or relevant clinical commissioning groups. If the perpetrator is under 18, we will also invite the youth offending team.
During the meeting, we will review how the agencies dealt with your case and then suggest how to resolve the problem.
You can review our full ASB case review guidance.
We will let you know the outcome of the case review and the proposals within ten working days of the meeting.
Appeals process
If you disagree with the outcome, you can appeal in writing to the Community Safety Team within 21 days of receiving the outcome.
In 2024/25, we had eight review requests. Seven were rejected at the first stage, while one went through to a professionals meeting, but was then rejected at that stage.
In 2023/24, we had eight review requests, one of which had agency failings.
In 2022/23, we had four requests for review, one of which found failings.
In 2021/22, we received and conducted three reviews, all of which resulted in us finding no agency failings.
In 2020/21, we did not receive any applications.
In 2019/20, we received three applications. None of those applications met the threshold, so none of them resulted in us carrying out a review.