Full Council (February 2024)
You can view:
- the live broadcast and recording of this meeting
- the agenda pack of this meeting
- the minutes of this meeting
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Mayor’s Announcements
3. Declarations of Interest
Members are reminded that they must disclose any interests they know they have in items of business on the meeting’s agenda and that they must do so at this point on the agenda or as soon as they become aware of the interest. If the interest is a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest they are also obliged to notify the Monitoring Officer within 28 days of the meeting.
4. Minutes
Minutes of meeting on 6 December 2023.
5. Public Questions
To receive questions from members of the public in accordance with Council Rules 10.1 to 10.6 on Item 6 on the agenda.
Any member of the public who wishes to submit a question or statement to this meeting should email it to committees@chelmsford.gov.uk 24 hours before the start time of the meeting. All valid questions and statements will be published with the agenda on the website at least six hours before the start time and will be responded to at the meeting. Those who have submitted a valid question or statement will be entitled to put it in person at the meeting.
6. Cabinet Question Time
The Leader and Members of the Cabinet to answer questions submitted by Members of the Council in accordance with Council Rules 10.18 to 10.22.
7. Reports from the Cabinet on 30 January 2024
7.1 Local Council Tax Support Scheme 2024/25
To consider the attached report from the Cabinet Member for Connected Chelmsford
7.2 Amendment to Council Tax Premiums in respect of empty properties
To consider the attached report from the Cabinet Member for Connected Chelmsford
7.3 Capital, Treasury and Investment Strategies for 2024/25
To consider the attached report from the Leader of the Council
8. Budget for 2024/25
To consider the attached report from the Leader of the Council
9. Pay Policy Statement 2024/25
To consider the attached report from the Cabinet Member for Connected Chelmsford