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The Mayor will open the meeting and ask her Chaplain to say prayers

1. Apologies for Absence

The current Mayor will ask for any apologies for absence

2. Mayor's Announcements

To receive the current Mayor's announcements


3. Election of Mayor and Deputy Mayor

The retiring Mayor will ask for nominations for Mayor for the forthcoming year.

The nominated Mayor will then in turn make a nomination for the Deputy Mayor for the forthcoming year.

Following the election of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor the meeting will adjourn to permit the new Mayor and Deputy Mayor to robe.

4. Declarations of Acceptance of Office

The Mayor will take the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

The Deputy Mayor will take the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

5. Mayor and Deputy Mayor's Escort

The Mayor will introduce to the Council her Consort for her year in office.

The Deputy Mayor will introduce to the Council her Escort for her year in office.

6. Address by Mayor

The Mayor will address the Council

7. Retiring Mayor and Retiring Deputy Mayor

To thank the retiring and Mayor and retiring Deputy Mayor for their service and present them with their past Mayor’s and past Deputy Mayor’s badges.

8. Mayor's Announcements

To receive the Mayor’s announcements, including the appointment of the Chaplain and the Mayor’s charities for the year.


9. Provision of substitutes for the Licensing and Regulatory Committees

To consider changes to the Constitution.

10. Leader’s Scheme of Delegation

To note any changes to the Scheme of Delegation.

11. Arrangements for and Appointments to City Council Bodies and Outside Bodies

To consider the proposed Schedule of Appointments 

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