Order now

You can order a personalised memorial plaque at Chelmsford Cemetery and Crematorium. You can choose from:

  • Chapel plaques
  • Kerb plaques
  • Floris plaques
  • Sundial memorial

You will have to pay the correct fee for your plaque when you order it.

We offer the plaques on a renewable basis, for a term of five years.

Renew a plaque

If you already have a memorial plaque, you can renew it.

Colourful flowers in front of wall full of small plaques bearing the names of deceased loved ones

Chapel plaques are displayed in the Memorial Chapel.

The chapel plaques are bronze with white lettering, and can feature up to 50 engraved letters.

Small plaque with sailing ship etched into it

Floris plaques are displayed outside on the Memorial Wall.

The Floris plaques are grey granite with white lettering. The plaques can consist of:

  • text only
  • text with an engraved badge 
  • text with a ceramic oval inset, displaying a photograph or motif

At the foot of the Memorial Wall, there are benches and troughs for floral tributes.

Small plaque fixed to kerbstone

Kerb plaques are set into the pathways in the Garden of Remembrance.

The kerb plaques are black with gold lettering, and can feature up to 85 engraved letters.

Four large stone lecterns with grid of plaques

The sundial memorial is located at the front of the South Chapel. It consists of four lecterns, which each display granite plaques.

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